Dentures Columbia, MD

If you do not replace missing teeth soon enough, you may develop problems such as shifting or overcrowded teeth, tooth misalignment, speech issues, facial sagging, and even tooth decay. Gaps between teeth open up more opportunities for dental issues to occur. Dr. Sulekha Agrawal offers restorative dental treatment with dentures in Columbia, MD. Partial or full dentures that are removable or implant-secured provide a fuller and more stable bite.

Dentures and Partials in Columbia, Maryland

Types of Dentures

We offer partial dentures, full dentures, and full dentures that are secured with dental implants for patients with missing teeth. Full dentures are used when the patient is missing most or all of their teeth. Partials dentures are used when the patients simply needs to fill in a few gaps in their smile.

  • Partial Dentures: Partial dentures are made of replacement teeth that are attached to a plastic base with a metal framework. This treatment option works best for patients with multiple consecutive missing teeth. Partial dentures can improve your bite and make it easier to talk.
  • Full Dentures: Full dentures are the preferred restoration for patients with multiple missing teeth. This traditional tooth replacement method is affordable and can deliver a set of false teeth quickly. Full dentures remain in place by resting on the gums, creating a suction with the gums and sometimes adhesive. While it will make your smile aesthetically pleasing, there are more benefits to choosing denture implants.
  • Implant Supported Dentures: Dentures that are held in place with dental implants are more secure and more like natural teeth. They will allow the patient to eat a normal diet and never have to worry about the denture falling out. They may be more expensive up front and take longer to complete, but the long term benefits are better. Most notably, they help prevent bone loss since the replace the tooth at the root.

Why Use Dental Implants?

Implant-secured dentures provide more benefits to patients than removable dentures. Dental implants secure the denture in place so there is no risk of slippage. Implant dentures also do not require messy adhesives. In addition, dental implants prevent facial sagging by maintaining the tooth and jaw structure.

We are also able to convert an existing denture into an implant-supported denture. If you already have dentures but want more security, our dentists can help. Dr. Agrawal can examine your dentures and create a treatment plan to stabilize your smile.

Implant-secured can be cared for just like natural teeth. On the other hand, a removable denture will require daily removal and cleaning to avoid gum infection. Removable dentures also need to be adhered to the gums to maintain a stable fit.

Call Columbia Family Dental Care

Restore full arches of missing teeth with dentures in Columbia, Maryland. Request a consultation with Dr. Agrawal on our website or call 410.730.0011. Do you have more questions about the differences between removable and implant-secured dentures? Are you considering partial or full dentures? Let our dentists know and they will be happy to answer any of your questions during a consultation.